The developed platform, named Pleiocardia, consists of a mobile application (Pleiocardia) and a web-based administrative backend application. The primary objective of the mobile application, designed for smartphones, is to collaborate with smartwatches, specifically Withings, to collect data from individuals facing challenges with their cardiovascular system. The goal is to diagnose potential risks of atrial fibrillation in a timely manner.
The operational model places the patient at the center. After registering in the Pleiocardia app and selecting a healthcare provider, the patient uses a Withings smartwatch to gather ECGs (electrocardiograms). The data from the smartwatch is then transferred to the mobile phone and forwarded to the central cloud-based database of the project. An AI algorithm is applied at this central database to calculate the risk of atrial fibrillation based on the patient's ECG. All these data are made available to the treating doctor, providing a comprehensive view of the patient's health status. This information empowers the doctor to formulate an appropriate treatment plan for the patient.
In summary, Pleiocardia integrates mobile technology, smartwatches, cloud-based data storage, and AI algorithms to enable early detection of cardiovascular risks and facilitate informed decision-making by healthcare providers for personalized patient care.